Saturday, October 31, 2009

Natural Health Products under fire in Canada

Hundreds of natural health products could disappear from store shelves next spring

As of April 2010, all natural health products will need an NPN, natural product number, to be sold.

Natural Health Products: 53 Recommendations of the Standing Committee on Health

NHPs (Natural Health Products) are defined in the Regulations to include:
  • traditional medicines
  • homeopathic medicines
  • vitamins and minerals
  • herbal remedies
  • probiotics
  • amino acids
  • plant isolates
  • essential fatty acids (like Omega-3)

NHPs exclude:
  • prescription drugs
  • drugs administered by puncturing the skin
  • substances that are regulated by the Tobacco Act or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

New Brunswick pharmacist John Staples says it's "crazy" for Health Canada to apply the same standards to both pharmaceuticals and natural health products. 

"Pharmaceutical drugs are far more potent and just a slight deviation in dosage can be dangerous," said Staples, whose Moncton pharmacy Staples Drugs, has sold both types of drugs for 40 years.

"A doctor can prescribe the arthritis drug Celebrex for you, but it can also cause a heart attack," he said as an example. "With homeopathic drugs, you can take 10 times the dosage and there's no problem."
Health Canada is not allowing any "may" claims. For instance, a label cannot say the product "may" do something. In Health Canada's eyes, it either has an effect or not.

Just over 36 per cent of natural health products were rejected for licensing.

Codex Alimentarius
The primary mandate of Codex is to develop food standards for the protection of the health of consumers and to ensure fair practices in food trade. The standards, guidelines and related texts developed by Codex are intended for voluntary use by governments.

Health Canada's official position on the adoption of Codex guidelines.
The manufacture, importation and sale of vitamin and mineral supplements and other natural health products in Canada will not be affected by the Commission's adoption of the Guidelines. (of Codex Alimentarius)

Codex will essentially be treating all nutrients as toxins until they are licensed. Therefore, only what is expressly allowed under Codex Alimentarius will be permitted, and everything else is forbidden.

Although Canada is proclaiming that the strict Codex guidelines will not be adopted fully in Canada...
Section 1.3 of the Guidelines stipulates that they are for use only in those countries that regulate vitamin and mineral supplements as food. As Canada regulates vitamin and mineral supplements as natural health products, the Guidelines are not applicable to the Canadian regulatory system. The manufacture, importation and sale of vitamin and mineral supplements and other natural health products in Canada will not be affected by the Commission's adoption of the Guidelines. Such products will continue to be regulated in Canada by the Natural Health Products Regulations under the Canadian Food and Drugs Act.
... once can't help but wonder if there is a bit of slight of hand in pushing through legislation under a differently name policy - equally harmonizing Canada's Food, drug and mineral guidelines with the WTO's agenda.

I doubt that the decision makers in Canada will want to be on the losing end of a trade dispute when the rules with the World Trade Organization state:  When disputes arise and countries are pulled in to WTO, the one that is Codex compliant automatically wins, regardless of the merits of its case.

To support the cause to save our NHP in Canada, visit

Footnote: The European Union's Food Supplements Directive, by the way, will go into full effect in Europe on December 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009 - Multiple H1N1 Vaccine Serious Reactions Reported in Calgary

Henry Kissinger

"First, the international financial crisis can help the creation of an international political order for a negative reason. Every country is so preoccupied with its own domestic issues; no country has a great surplus of resources that it can devote to international adventures. So, if political leadership can develop, this is a good objective circumstance. Secondly we are living in a period in which, for the first time that I know of, no major country is challenging the international system. All of the challenges to the international system come from countries that, in relation to the overall order, are relatively fringe countries or from non-state actors. So, the opportunities that we can see in developing the global patterns that are inherent in this situation are very great despite the fact that the surface knowledge is the opposite."

Dr. Henry Kissinger
Trilateral Commission

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hidden Dangers of Adjuvanted H1N1 Vaccines

Possible hidden hazards of mass vaccination against new influenza A/H1N1: have the cardiovascular risks been adequately weighed?

Programs for vaccination against the new influenza A/H1N1 targeting many hundred million citizens in Europe and the USA are to be launched in the fall of this year. The USA is planning to employ a non-adjuvanted vaccine, whereas European nations are opting for inclusion of MF9, the adjuvant contained in an alternative seasonal flu vaccine, or the related adjuvant AS03 that is contained in a recentlyeveloped H5N1 vaccine.

We draw attention to unappreciated hazards of using adjuvanted vaccine in Europe. Evidence from animal experiments in conjunction with clinical epidemiological data indicates that, quite irrespective of cause, stimulation of the immune system may accelerate atherogenesis.


Atherosclerosis is a case in point. Mobilization of innate immune components to intimal lipids possibly represents a physiological means to clear tissues of cholesterol, whose poor solubility necessitates its removal by macrophages. Clinical manifestations of atherosclerotic vessel disease ensue only when pathological late lesions evolve as the cholesterol removal machinery breaks down through overload. Lesional macrophages then cease to execute their physiological function in a quiescent manner and detrimental effects follow with all the known clinical consequences.


Atherogenesis: The process of forming atheromas, plaques in the inner lining (the intima) of arteries.  Strokes, heart attack or even death can be caused by the buildup of plaque in the arteries. The plaque itself is a result of cholesterol problems, smoking, and high blood pressure.   

Invoking a robust inate immune response using an adjuvent can potentially over-stimulate the macrophages that are attempting to clear the fatty tissue.  This leads to inflamation of the macrophages, and ultimatly heart attack or stroke. 

Application of adjuvanted flu vaccines to individuals at risk may therefore aggravate the course of underlying atherosclerotic vessel disease with all the clinical consequences. The same may hold true for other widespread diseases that are propelled by deregulated immune mechanisms.


Safety trials conducted to date have not specifically taken these possible side effects into account, and unexpected serious adverse effects thus may follow in the wake of a general vaccination program.

If, at any stage, vaccination drives macrophages into their inflammatory state, the effects on atherosclerosis will hardly be unpredictable and acute clinical events could be precipitated. Causes might be the adjuvant or another ingredient, a combination of both, or any other inflammatory events provoked by intramuscular injection of the vaccine.


Sucharit Bhakdi - Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
Karl Lackner - Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Hans-Wilhelm Doerr - Department of Medical Virology

Published online: 23 October 2009

Complete Article

Largest Vaccination Program in History Begins

October 26, 2009.

All canadians now have the option to get both seasonal and H1N1 vaccine available at the same time.   This is being done nation-wide, one shot in each arm. 

Soon, seasonal vaccine will be removed from immunization clinics.  If required, it will be re-introduced later.

Studies suggest that upwards of 1/3 of seniors  have a natural immunity to H1N1.  Perhaps they were previously exposed to a short lived version of the H1N1 virus. 

The Public Health Agency of Canada has identified these groups as a priority for immunization: For those who want to be given a vaccine, but do not want a needle, the nasal spray version of the anti-gen is not available in Canada, at the moment. 

The United States started vaccinating their people with MedImmune's Flumist. 
Live, attenuated intranasal vaccine (or LAIV) is sprayed into the nose.

The 2009 H1N1 LAIV does not contain thimerosal (mercury) or other preservatives.

Canada has not approved the use of FluMist.
Likewise, the USA has not approved the use of any adjuvent in their vaccine.  Canada, on the other hand - has approved (for the 1st time) the use of an adjuvent in a vaccine.

Canada's injectable vaccine includes thimerosal as a preservative and an adjuvent, called AS03.  This contains Squalene - which is shark liver oil.  Squalene is widely discussed as being a contributing factor for Gulf War Syndrome - via the squalene in the Anthrax vaccinations troops received. 


DL-α-tocopherol: 11.86 milligrams/0.5mL dose
Squalene: 10.69 milligrams/0.5mL dose,
Polysorbate 80: 4.86 milligrams/0.5mL dose

The adjuvent is mixed in with the vaccine to stretch out the supply, and apparently promotes antibody production. Because this version of the vaccine is meant to be stockpiled, evidently the thimerosal is added as a preservitive. 

Canada has decided, at this point - not to answer Obama's call to join those countries who pledge to donate 10% of the county's vaccine to third world countries.   

I believe Canada likely be looking to return tens of millions of doses to GSK, but ultimatley contribute to the Global Response and donate a few.  We ordered over 50 million doses and will need maybe 15 million.  I hope Canada's kept the receipt.  If we end up with just In-Pharma credit, we'd be liable for another pandemic to supply vaccines for. In fact, according to Helen Branswell of The Canadian Press - Canadian Authorities may be in discussion with big Pharma to do just that.

Health Canada suspects 35% or more of Canadians will be sick and out of circulation due to the H1N1 virus.  Not at work, not at school. 

Most people who come into contact and contract the H1N1 virus will have mild reaction.

According to the CDC, symptoms of swine flu infections can include:
  • fever  
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • stuffy nose  
  • sore throat  
  • body aches 
  • headache  
  • chills  
  • extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • pneumonia
  • respiratory failure

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mount Weather - Blumont, VA

Mount Weather, a mysterious underground military base carved deep inside a mountain near the sleepy rural town of Bluemont, Virginia, just 46 miles from Washington DC.

Mount Weather - also known as the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations:

Mount Weather is the self-sustaining underground command center for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Buried deep inside the earth, Mount Weather was equipped with such amenities as:

  • private apartments and dormitories
  • streets and sidewalks
  • cafeterias and hospitals
  • a water purification system, power plant and general office buildings
  • a small lake fed by fresh water from underground springs
  • its own mass transit system
  • a TV communication system

 Nine Federal departments are replicated within Mount Weather:

  • Agriculture
  • Commerce
  • Health, Education & Welfare
  • Housing & Urban Development 
  • Interior; Labor; State
  • Transportation
  • Treasury
  • As well as at least five Federal agencies:
  • Federal Communications Commission
  • Selective Service
  • Federal Power Commission
  • Civil Service Commission
  • Veterans Administration

This is not a big secret, as there is information readily available from FEMA: Mount Weather Fact Sheet



Obama Declares National Medical Emergency

Associated Press
October 25, 2009

Obama: national emergency for swine flu; help for hospitals to speed treatment for infected

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency, giving his health chief the power to let hospitals move emergency rooms offsite to speed treatment and protect noninfected patients.

Presidential National Emergency Powers
Under the powers delegated bysuch statutes,

the President may

seize property,

organize and control the means of production,

seize commodities,

assign military forces abroad,

institute martial law,

seize and control all transportation and communication,

regulate the operation of private enterprise,

restrict travel, and, in a variety of ways,

control the lives of UnitedStates citizens.
I could be wrong...
but I think there's room to interpret this recent weekend signing of a proclamation of emergency will do more than make hospitals more accessible.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A New Path for World Development

The Club of Rome Programme on
"A New Path for World Development"

It is clear that the present path of world development is not sustainable in the longer term, even if we recognise the enormous potentials of the market and of technological innovation. New ideas and strategies will be needed to ensure that improved living conditions and opportunities for a growing population across the world can be reconciled with the conservation of a viable climate and of the fragile ecosystems on which all life depends. A new vision and path for world development must be conceived and adopted if humanity is to surmount the challenges ahead.

In response to this intellectual and practical challenge, the Club of Rome will undertake a three year programme on "A New Path for World Development" so as to achieve a better understanding of the complex challenges which confront the modern world and to lay solid foundations for the action which must be taken to improve the prospects for peace and progress.

The Programme will not only engage decision makers and experts and provide them with feasible proposals for action but will also engage with the public through a variety of channels. It will be in part, an "open source" programme. It will undertake only a limited amount of original research, drawing on the wide array of available information and research in progress. It will be implemented in close collaboration with partner organizations, providing a framework through which their ideas and contributions can be integrated. This will increase the credibility and impact of the efforts of the Club itself.

The Programme will focus on five "clusters" of related issues within the overall conceptual framework of A New Path for World Development:

1.Environment and Resources: This cluster relates climate change, peak oil, ecosystems and water. Radical and rapid social and economic transformations will be needed to avert runaway climate change and ecological breakdown;

2. Globalisation: This cluster relates interdependence, distribution of wealth and income, demographic change, employment, trade and finance. Rising inequalities and imbalances associated with the present path of globalisation risk the breakdown of the world economic and financial systems;

3. World Development: This cluster relates sustainable development, demographic growth, poverty, environmental stress, food production, health and employment. The scandal of abiding poverty, deprivation, inequity and exclusion in a wealthy world must be corrected;

4. Social Transformation: This cluster relates social change, gender equity, values and ethics, religion and spirituality, culture, identity and behaviour. The values and behaviour on which the present path of world development is based must change if peace and progress are to be preserved within the tightening human and environmental limits;

5. Peace and Security: This cluster relates justice, democracy, governance, solidarity, security and peace. The present path of world development risks alienation, polarization, violence and conflict; the preservation of peace is vital in itself but is also a precondition for progress and for the resolution of the issues which threaten the future.

Within each of these clusters, the issues are strongly linked: thus each group constitutes a coherent and manageable field for analysis. The links between the clusters will be accounted for as the programme proceeds, within the overall integrating framework of A New Path for World Development.

The Club will convene five small high-level expert meetings successively over the three year period, 2008 - 2010, one on each of the clusters of issues identified above. Each meeting should produce a clear statement on the issues, risks and opportunities ahead with an outline of the principal strategies and measures required in response. As the Programme proceeds, the insights and knowledge gained from each meeting will provide clear perspectives of constraints and opportunities as the context for the next meeting. By recognizing such linkages, the knowledge acquired will be cumulative and will produce innovative insights as the Programme proceeds.

In relation to each cluster of issues, a private, web-based research network will be established through which the participants in the expert meetings, together with additional experts, can carry on a process of dialogue and research to develop a deeper understanding of the issues and to elaborate specific recommendations and proposals.

Each of these five clusters of issues will be the focus of a specific area of information and analysis on the Club of Rome website. As the analysis proceeds and knowledge increases, each area will accumulate research results, a strengthening data base, a deepening understanding of the issues and their complex interconnectedness and a growing number of proposals for integrated strategy and action.

Systems Integration

As work proceeds on the five clusters, a parallel effort will focus on developing a better conceptual and practical understanding of the world systems within which they are linked and embedded. This will help to understand the linkages between trends, issues and actions and to identify the drivers of global change. The Programme will in this way recognize the immense complexity of world affairs.

A dedicated research network will focus on the issue of systems integration, including systems thinking and systems linkages and systems dynamics modelling. These networks will be supported by the Secretariat and accessed through the Club's website.

In late 2010 it is planned that the concluding "International Forum of the Club of Rome" will be held to integrate the final outputs of the expert meetings, of the research networks and of the related activities by all the elements of the Club and its partner organizations, leading to coherent conclusions and recommendations and to a major Final Report.
Contact person: Robert Hoffman, 34 Hereford Place, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 3S5, Canada
Tel.: +1 (613) 232 5613

US Association for the Club of Rome
President: Anitra Thorhaug 1359 SW 22 TerraceMiami, FL, 33145, USA
Tel.: +1 (305) 858 0014Fax: +1 (305) 858 6697